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Cryptocurrency Table

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"Cryptocurrency Table"

Cryptocurrency Table
Last update: 26th of December 2024

The table shows exchange rates of major digital currencies like Bitcoin & Ethereum in USD and other traditional currencies.
To add a currency pair, press the plus button, to remove a currency pair - the minus button. To replace a currency pair, click on one of the flags.
By clicking on the icon on the right, you can call up a table with prices on various exchanges for arbitrage, a currency converter or charts for the specific currency pair.

Data sources:
BTC Trade UA, Bibox, Binance, Bison, Bit2C, BitFlyer,
Bitfinex, Bitget, Bithumb, Bitso, Bitstamp, Blockchain,
CEX.IO, CoinW, Coinbase, Coinjar AU, Coinone, Crypto.com,
Gate.io, Gemini,
HashKey Global, HitBTC, Huobi,
Independent Reserve,
Korbit, Kraken, KuCoin,
OKCoin, OKX,
Tidex, Toobit,
Yahoo! Finance, YoBit,

Cryptocurrency1.png  Cryptocurrency2.png  Cryptocurrency5.png  

Cryptocurrency Table

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