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Wanted Lists

Android app
"Wanted Lists"

Wanted Lists
Last update: 4th of January 2025

Using this application, you can check whether the police or other security authorities are looking for you anywhere in the world.
The application provides access to lists of people who are on international (Interpol, Europol) and national wanted lists.
Entry into such lists is possible not only on suspicion of a crime, but also, for example, because of political or public activity.
Before visiting this or that country (even during transit or during a transfer at the airport), it is worth checking the chances that you will be able to leave it at the time you planned, in the direction you want and without handcuffs.
Important: the lists are not always up to date and the not appearing in the wanted list does not assure that a person is free from any criminal cases.

MostWanted1Menu.png  MostWanted2Interpol.png  MostWanted3US.png  
MostWanted4UK.png  MostWanted7FBIList.png  MostWanted8Overview.png  

Wanted Lists

Wanted Lists on Google Play Wanted Lists available on Samsung Galaxy Store



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